Monday, April 26, 2010

Using the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Cluster

Pre-requisite: A server farm must be present. To create a server farm

1. Install one admin server
2 Install admin agents.
3. Register the admin agents to the admin server

(Covered in previous post)

Assumptions: The config is called config1, the admin server is on the node called server1 and the admin agents registered to it are on the nodes called server2 and server3.

1.Create a config

The first step is to create a configuration

CLI: create-config

Usage: wadm> create-config

Usage: create-config --help|-?

or create-config [--echo] [--no-prompt] [--verbose] [--document-root=serverdocroot] [--jdk-home=JAVA_HOME] [--server-user=userid] [--ip=ip] --http-port=port

--server-name=servername config-name

Example: create-config –http-port=3456 –server-name=server1 config1

2. Create multiple configs

It is possible to create multiple configurations one at a time on an admin server. The directory for that particular config gets created under /admin-server/config-store.

The CLI create-config however creates only one configuration at a time.

3. Create an instance

CLI: create-instance

Usage: wadm> create-instance

Usage: create-instance --help|-?

or create-instance [--echo] [--no-prompt] [--verbose] --config=name (nodehost)+

This can be used to create one or more instances of a particular configuration.

Example: create-instance –config=config1 server1

This will create one instance server1 of the configuration config1

server1 can be the admin server or can be any one of the admin agents registered to it.

4. Create multiple instances

The CLI create-instance can be used to create multiple instances of a particular config.

CLI: create-instance

This can be used to create one or more instances of a particular configuration.

Example: create-instance –config=config1 server1 server2 server3

This will create one instance each on server1, server2 and server3 of the configuration config1

server1, server2, server3 – one of them can be the admin server itself. The others must be admin agents registered to the admin server.

5. Deploy config

CLI: deploy-config

If changes are made to a configuration the deploy-config CLI will have to be used to deploy the configuration onto the nodes. Deploy config will NOT create new instances. So it will deploy changes only onto an already created instance.

6. Deploy config with no changes -prompts

If there is no change made to a configuration then the deploy does not go through.It prompts saying that deploy failed due to no changes being there in the config store.

7. Make a manual change in the config , deploy

You can make manual changes onto the config store and deploy that configuration. This is expected to work, but is not recommended.

8. Make a CLI change into the config , deploy

You can make changes into the config using CLI, say log level changes

set-error-log-prop –config=config1 log-level=fine

Now deploy the config. The log level changes will cascade to all the instances. Some of the config changes will require server restart ie require you to restart the instance. This will be prompted at the time of deploy.

9. Add a webapp to a config using CLI

The sample webapps will be available with the admin server if web apps are selected as one of the components during server installation.

Once installed they will be available at


eg. The webapp called “simple” bundled with the webserver is available at


To add a webapp to a config use CLI: add-webapp

add-webapp –config=config1 –vs=config1 –uri=/simple warfile

warfile is the warfile of the application. You can specify the full path.

10. Deploy webapp and access for all instances

After adding the webapp, the webapp can be deployed to all instances using deploy-config CLI ( see 8) and this can be accessed on all instances using a load balancer or directly.
11. Create a new doc directory, put a simple html and access it

A new document directory can be added from the GUI using Common Tasks->Virtual Server Tasks -> Document Directories

Add the new document directory here. Put a simple html file in this location. Deploy the configuration.
12. Create a shared document directory. Shared on admin server in militarized zone

You can create a document directory on the admin server in the militarized zone. And share it and make it available on the admin agents and use that directory as the doc directory.
13. Deploy a simple webapp using ant

You can deploy a webapp using ant (as specified in the documentation for each webapp in /samples ) and then deploy the config as mentioned in 7.

14. The server name specified in creating a config (see 1) can be used as the server name for accessing content on all the instances of the same config.

15. Deploy a jdbc webapp

A jdbc webapp can be deployed as per instuctions given in /samples/java/webapps/jdbc. On deploy the webapp will get deployed to all instances.

16. Deleting an instances

An instance can be deleted using CLI.

Delete-instance –config=config1 server1

17. Deleting a config

A config can be deleted only once all the instances associated with it are deleted.

Delete-config –config=config1

18. Pulling a config

pull-config CLI can be used to pull a config.

Suppose some changes are made on an instance. And these changes are intended to be cascaded to all the other instances. This can be done using a pull-config.

Pull-config –config=config1 server1

This will pull the config of the instance of config1 on server1 and overwrite the config store with this config.

A deploy will then deploy these changes onto all the instances of the config.

19. Forcing a deploy

Suppose some changes are made on an instance. And the intent is to over-write the changes with the config in the config store.

In that case, a deploy can be forced.

eg. deploy-config –force=true config1

20. Synchronization

Synchronization happens only with a failed deploy.

The scenarios are

a. Make a change into the config, one node is down. When node comes up, the changes will be visible at the node.

b. Make a change into the config, more than one node down. As and when the nodes come back up, the changes will be visible in them.

c. Create-instance will fail on a node which does not have the admin agent running.

d. delete-instance will fail on a node which does not have the admin agent running

e. Make changes to config. Admin agent is down. Then admin server goes down. Node comes up. Once the admin server comes back up, all the admin agent instances will be synchronized.

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